PDF Blueprint The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society edition by Nicholas A Christakis Politics Social Sciences eBooks

For too long, scientists have focused on the dark side of our biological heritage our capacity for aggression, cruelty, prejudice, and self-interest. But natural selection has given us a suite of beneficial social features, including our capacity for love, friendship, cooperation, and learning. Beneath all our inventions -- our tools, farms, machines, cities, nations -- we carry with us innate proclivities to make a good society.
PDF Blueprint The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society edition by Nicholas A Christakis Politics Social Sciences eBooks
"There are thousands of academic writings that address the question, "Are humans fundamentally good?" Scholars will likely never reach consensus on an answer, just as the general population will likely never reach consensus on an answer. But Nicholas Christakis makes a scientifically-supported, passionate argument that we are wired to be decent, to work together, to not hate each other. And, to the extent that that belief can become a self fulfilling prophecy, I'm inclined to join him in it. This is a smart, timely book written by a scholar who has demonstrated that HE is a truly decent human. It is, in my opinion, his masterpiece."
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Tags : Blueprint The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society - edition by Nicholas A. Christakis. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Blueprint The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society.,ebook,Nicholas A. Christakis,Blueprint The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society,Little, Brown Spark,EVOLUTIONARY GENETICS,Evolution (Biology) - Philosophy,Evolution (Biology) - Social aspects,Evolution (Biology);Philosophy.,Evolution (Biology);Social aspects.,GENERAL,General Adult,Non-Fiction,SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Evolution,SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Genetics Genomics,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / Social Theory,Science/Life Sciences - Evolution,Science/Math,Social Science/Anthropology - General,Social evolution,Social evolution.,United States,evolution books for adults; books about genetics; evolutionary biology; sociology; social science; philosophy; morality; cooperation; social network; chimps; whales; communes; shipwrecks; birds; epigenetics; goodness; anthropology; social suite; culture; cities; history; ethics; pair-bonding; human evolution; friendship; big idea; big idea book,evolutionary biology; sociology; social science; philosophy; morality; cooperation; social network; chimps; whales; communes; shipwrecks; birds; epigenetics; goodness; anthropology; social suite; culture; cities; history; ethics; pair-bonding; human evolution; friendship; big idea; big idea book; evolution books for adults; books about genetics
Blueprint The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society edition by Nicholas A Christakis Politics Social Sciences eBooks Reviews :
Blueprint The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society edition by Nicholas A Christakis Politics Social Sciences eBooks Reviews
- With lucid prose and wide-ranging knowledge on the human sciences, this book is a must-read for anyone who is curious about the origins of social groups and societies, as well as the common bonds that Christakis called "the social suite." This book is not only brilliant in its conception, but also sweeping in its scope. But most importantly, Christakis highlights our shared humanity that lies deep within the evolutionary process over centuries, despite our cultural and social differences. This unifying message is both timely and urgent, especially in this historical moment of great divisions and disparities in the United States and beyond.
- There are thousands of academic writings that address the question, "Are humans fundamentally good?" Scholars will likely never reach consensus on an answer, just as the general population will likely never reach consensus on an answer. But Nicholas Christakis makes a scientifically-supported, passionate argument that we are wired to be decent, to work together, to not hate each other. And, to the extent that that belief can become a self fulfilling prophecy, I'm inclined to join him in it. This is a smart, timely book written by a scholar who has demonstrated that HE is a truly decent human. It is, in my opinion, his masterpiece.
- This book made me think about and reconsider the question is human nature fundamentally selfish or altruistic, questions about nature vs. nurture, and the idea of emergent properties. I appreciated how the new ideas presented were backed up with plenty of supporting evidence from prior observational and research studies. I thought the author did a great job narrating.
- Blueprint is phenomenal, enjoyable, and a must-read for anyone interested in human nature. It's fun to read and accessible to anyone, whether layman or academic. With outstanding breadth and scope, Christakis combines works from evolutionary biology, anthropology, history, medicine, and more (including original research) to create a unified theory that bridges genetics, society and culture, while sending a strong positive message about our future as humans. The audio book, read by the author, is also excellent.
- The book is filled with examples, graphs, images, and explanations that help the reader understand more deeply. On top of this, the style is engaging making it easier to read and even fun.
- another great book by Christakis. If you read and loved Connected as I did, you'll find this book just as insightful and entertaining. Loved the section on shipwrecks. I've met the author in person and he's one of the smartest people I've ever spoken to.
- Great subject .... Well written.
Academic in structure.. - A rewarding and edifying read for those who are interested in genetics and the evolution of homo sapiens. The author picks up where Darwin left off and expands our understanding of the biological origins of social behavior and culture.