» Download Baby University FourBook Set Chris Ferrie 9781492670438 Books
Barbra Camacho on Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Download Baby University FourBook Set Chris Ferrie 9781492670438 Books

Product details - Board book
- Publisher Sourcebooks Explore (November 28, 2017)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 149267043X

Baby University FourBook Set Chris Ferrie 9781492670438 Books Reviews
- I personally like them. They are very easy to understand---although the baby refuses to read them. But that is not the book's fault, the baby is very stubborn and also easily distracted. She does seem to like the flavor of the cardboard.
- For most (myself included) the topics these books cover are very hard to simplify. I must say the author does a good job of doing that. However, my love for science probably isn't enough to keep my child interested in these topics read after read. These books lack the engaging images I was hoping they had to supplement my enthusiasm. Not sure if they will stand the test of time.
Great idea but I think it misses the mark. - We're living in this crazy world where some people don't believe in vaccinations, climate change, or evolution... for those that do, these books are a great basis to get your kids started early. Sure, there are some slight cognitive leaps ("now the ball is quantized!"), but generally, I have very few complaints about these books. They totally beat a lot of the mindless garbage, or worse, anti-science propaganda that's out there.
- The newtonian physics book came with the first 2 pages sideways and the binding was loose so we had to glue it. The other 3 books were in good shape. I like the books and my baby enjoys looking at the pictures. We started reading these to him since he was 10 days old.
- I like it. My kids, not as much. These books are almost perfect. My five year old enjoys these little bursts of science, but I have to amend the title to "Quantum Physics for Family." Well illustrated complex topics, doesn't interest actual babies. My 20 month old won't have these.
- I got this set for my niece for her 1st birthday. Her mother & maternal grandmother are scientists & they love the books! Although my niece isn’t reading yet, she’s entertained by them during diaper changes lol. My nephews are 5 & 8 y.o. so they have read them & it has started convos/Q&As with their mom about science & prompted them to want to learn more. It benefits the whole family!
- These books are so great! They are so simple, even I am learning something. I love them! Great gift for anyone with kids, or for your own kids to get them interested in science.
- My kids LOVE all these books and now we’ve purchased them for friends who are expecting.